Monday, October 30, 2006

National Zoo in Washington

Last weekend, my brother and I visited the national zoo in Washington, and had an awesome time. We saw America's cows, maned wolves, capybaras (the world's largest rodent) and giant amazonian fish. But the best were the asian river otters who were incredibly playful and cute, and the new baby panda, Tai Shan. I got videos of both of them with my new phone, so you can share their cuteness.


Now I am at Harrisburg for outpatient medicine, which basically means going to a different clinic (in the same building) every day. Here's me standing in front of the student housing. I'll update you on the incredible sits of Harrisburg in the days to come.

Sunday, October 29, 2006


Then inpatient medicine at Hahnemann. I worked really hard, learned a lot, cool residents, but no pictures. In my spare time learned to salsa and swing dance.

Monmouth Pediatrics

Then I went to Monmouth, New Jersey for Pediatrics. It was a lot of fun. The other students were cool, and the attendings and residents were very interested in teaching.

The Bear Parade for the Valerie Fund and Diana

Beach Pics.

What have I been up to 1.

My first rotation was psychiaty at MHOP. It was a blast. The attendings basically let you do as much as you wanted to do and enjoyed teaching, and I wanted to do as much as possible so I had a great time and learned alot. I also met Melissa about halfway through and we really hit it off after the first date. So life was much more pleasant than last year.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

I'm Back

Hi, everyone. I've been busy on rotations for a while and haven't been posting, but now I'm on ambulatory medicine in Harrissburg, and I should have more time to post again. Yay.

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