6 blade razor

I thought for sure we had reached the end of multiblade razor silliness when Schick came out with a 4 bladed razor, but apparrently I'm not even close. Gillette has skipped completely over 4 and 5 and is now advertising a 6 blade razor, which will be very useful if you ever meet a man with 6 faces. Seriously, I have no clue where this will end now. Seven, eight a hundred? And does anyone really believe that adding all those blades improves anything besides advertising revenue. I mean, once you have a close shave without cutting yourself, what more can you do? You can't cut back to negative hair. But if you do believe in multiple blades, I have a helpful sugggestion that will put you light years ahead of everyone else and make you the envy of other close shaver. Just fix two of the new six bladed razors together and shave with that. It will be years before your friends who use unaltered blades catch up and then you can just take those future razors and attach them together. Bwah ah aha ha!
It boggles the mind.
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Reminds me o the that SNL bit with the shaver is demonstrated to shave everything including your face off.
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