Orange County Choppers
I'm sure everyone who's watched Orange County Choppers has wondered what it would be like to actually visit the place and see what bikes they had on display. Well now you can get a peek over the internet thanks to my parents who visited last weekent. They didn't have all the bikes they had made on the show in the show room, however the ones that they did have were still very nice. The owners, on the other hand, not so nice. One family had come all the way from Ohio to see the place and they wouldn't even let them use the bathroom. I know that's their right and it cold be a little annoying if people bother you about that, but it still seems a little callous. It's not as if they were deluged with fans pestering them, but if you don't have $50,000 for a motorcycle you don't exist. Anyway, here's the pics. Enjoy. More pictures are here, here, here and here.

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