Pain Doc acquitted
Eve has an interesting story on a doctor unsuccessfully prosecuted for prescribing narcotics.
Jay's amazingly thrilling blog: Jay Goes Where God Never Intended Man To Go
Not in Philadelphia, but do you ever need a reason for pictures of Annie? She's getting better at the fetch and bring things back, trick. At least now, she normally comes back, with or without the frisbee.
That was a nice hiatus from blogging. Weeks later I'm finally getting around to posting pictures from my drive back from Chicago. It took about 14 hours with two hours for rest stops. Overall, though it was very relaxing because it was the first day in months that I didn't have to spend all my time studying and thinking about medicine. If I'd driven with someone else, I 'd have had to spend my non-driving time studying, which wouldn't have been fun.
I didn't take any pictures in Idiana so all of these highway shots are just rolling through Ohio.
I stopped for dinner in Brookville, PA. Here's the local Presbyterian church and cemetery.