Aargh. Why does verizon insist on running their stupid ads on my blog, just because I use their phone.
Aargh. Why does verizon insist on running their stupid ads on my blog, just because I use their phone.
Almond wasn't very good, and there wasn't a lot of it, but chocalate was better on both counts.
I had a dinner at a Thai restaurant on 18th and Sansom. They claim to have the best fried rice in the city. It was good, but I didn't think it was outstanding.
I started ENT rotation today, but the attendings were only there until noon so I got off early. Otherwise its pretty quiet.
Firefox was giving me some trouble so I switched to opera. They can make a free duplicate of this blog so I made one over here.
Palestinians raze a synagoogue andthen convert it into a museum celebrating mass murder, run by terrorists who are still trying to commit mass murder. I wish I could be shocked.
My friends seem to think I'm ever so slightly cynical, when of course I'm not. It's just that people are unreliable and selfish. Nevertheless here's a link to the cynics conundrum which would certainly bedevil me if I was at all cynical. Which I'm not. Really. And anyway if you don't believe me doesn't that make you just as cynical as well?
I was reminded of Henry Ford's famous saying today when I read about the sad case of Doron Almog. He is an Israeli general and he was visiting Britain to raise funds for a charity for severely disabled children. Unfortunately, some busybody jackasses in Britain thought it would be a lot of fun to indict him for war crimes on the charges that he bulldozed houses hiding terrorist smuggling tunnels and (unbelievably) for a bomb that killed Salah Shehadeh the militry head of Hamas and 14 other terrorists with him. But don't worry says International law expert James Crawford "Israel has the right to defend itself, even in occupied territory". That is as long as they don't bulldoze homes ("war crimes"), build a defensive wall ("apartheid") do careful border controls ("economic genocide") send soldiers into the territories to find terrorists (real "genocide") or even aparrently just drop a single bomb from afar that just kills terrorists. So as Henry Ford would say, Israel has the right to defend itself as long as it doesn't do anything that would actually be effective.
Its a weekend for landmarks. First I reached the top of google, and now I have 1000 visits!
We went out to dinner to Applebees last night. We were going to go to Fridays but it was just too noisy and crowded, whereas Applebees was quieter. Of course, there was a good reason for that. The food was very mediocre and when they brought out the dishes for the appetizers, they still had remnants of the previous meal on them! We sent them backe and the next set was just as dirty. Finally, the third time they at least looked clean, but who really knows if they were. The manager came out and asked us if the plates were dirty. We said they were so he just said OK and left, without even an "I'm sorry. This won't happen again." Sheesh. We're certainly not going there again.
The area by our back steps never grows grass well and always gets muddy, so we dug a few inches of soil off and laid out these stones and tiles. It looks OK for an amateur job.
This article by Newton Emerson in the Irish Times is hilarious. Go read it.
Over at Organic Baby Farm there's an odd story about refugees refusing to go to Salt Lake city because they thought it was too boring.
Both my brothers and my sister were home today, so we went across the street for some quality frisbee time.
John P. A. Ioannidis argues here (summary here) that from knowledge of statistics alone most published research findings are false. Basically the idea is that of the hypotheses tested, on average, most will be false. Since we use a p=.05 as a cutoff generally, if even 95% are in fact false, than false positives should equal true positives. If more than 95% of tested hypotheses are in fact false, than false positives would outnumber true positives. False negatives would have an even worse rate because journals normally only publish negative results if they are very unexpected (and therefore more probably wrong.)